- The class begins promptly, and once 10 minutes have passed, students are not permitted to enter the classroom.
- Taking pictures or recording the whiteboard is not allowed.
- Lab reports must be typed by the students. If the student uses Internet information, the info must be properly referenced.
- The use of AI tools is prohibited. If a student is found to have used AI tools, their lab report grade will be reduced to zero.
- Rubrics for each assigment are public at Teams.
- The assigments will be checked for plagiarism. If the document contains more than 30% similarity to other sources, the grade will be given a zero.
The research seminar lecture provides the necessary tools and guidelines for scientific writing. As part of the course, the students will create a research proposal, a scientific poster, and the first chapter of their dissertation and make a preliminary attempt at writing a conference paper. Additionally, they will learn fundamental and advanced concepts of typesetting utilizing the most commonly used systems, including LaTeX and Markdown. To develop this scientific writing skill, basic programming knowledge is required. Even more, if the student can handle it, a new OS is preferred to understand the GNU system workflow.
Tools required for lectures
- InstallInstall Pandoc tool
- InstallInstall Visual Studio Code
- InstallMikTeX
- Install | (required only in Windows)Strawberry - Perl
Important days to schedule
- Essay project
- First proposals review
- Poster presentation
- Research protocol
- Presentation
1. Introduction Lecture
Welcome to this course! Our main aim is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the research process and equip them with the necessary skills to produce high-quality academic work. In addition to theoretical concepts, students must apply these ideas in practice by producing four distinct products: an essay, a poster, a research protocol, and a thesis layout.
These assignments will challenge students to think critically and creatively while developing their research and writing abilities. Moreover, we will cover the typesetting tools required to produce polished, professional-looking documents, which is essential for students to present their work in a visually appealing and effective way. This knowledge will enhance their chances of success in their academic pursuits. We are excited to guide you on this journey and expect you to produce great work!
2. Scientific Writing
During this lecture, we will review the history of the scientific publishing process to gain a better understanding. We will also explore the origins of scientific societies and journals. The lecture will conclude with a discussion about commercial publishing houses and the current management of open access publication method.
3. Writing an essay
To practice writing and grammar, students are tasked with selecting a simple topic. This topic may or may not be related to their thesis project. To produce a successful essay, it is best to use simple grammar structures and avoid lengthy and verbose paragraphs. It is also highly recommended to use the third-person or passive voice. Examples and a grading table can be found below.
4. Basics of LaTeX
Along with this lecture, you will understand and practice LaTeX’s basic syntax. As well as the most common structures, commands, and packages. In the links below you can find the lecture’s presentation file, the Short – Math Guide from LaTeX, and the Source-File Edited during the class as an example:
5. Research basics
This lecture is about researching basics. A basic guide to help you think like a researcher and judge a research project. Also, some basic tips to state your thesis, hypothesis, and objectives. Finally, you will understand to classify your own research project as theoretical, practical, or applied.
- BeamerResearch basics
6. Preparing your research protocol
This lecture is about the basic structure of a research proposal. The proposal is based on a LaTeX template. The files are here:
- BeamerThe research protocol lecture
- RepositoryProtocol LaTeX Template
- RepositoryHow to write your protocol Wiki
7. Biblography administratos (BibLaTeX)
This lecture is focused in search, read, and judge research papers or thesis that will be used as reference. But, be careful, the references should be a high-qulity and support your work.
8. The Poster Class
The lecture introduces the CCQH approach to state the structure of your poster. Also a basic code example is given to test the tikzposter class:
- BeamerThe poster lecture
- RepositoryThe poster-example repository
- RepositoryITM's Poster Template
- PDFThe poster evaluation form